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10 steps to avoid burglaries in your home
Burglaries can happen at any time, whether day or night, with many occurring through rear doors or open windows. To help protect your home, follow these 10 steps to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime: 1. **Lock All Windows and Doors Securely** Always ensure that all windows [...]
Home Security on a budget – 10 Security Tips to make your property more secure and less attractive to burglars.
Your budget post-Christmas may be limited, so here at SOS Southend on sea Locksmiths we have compiled a few ‘home security on a budget’ tips ways to help protect your home or business, some tips won’t even cost you a penny just simple tips to make your property less attractive[...]
Don’t let Thieves Steal your Christmas
With Christmas just around the corner there are many opportunities for thieves to strike and break-ins to happen due to all those Christmas presents laying around the home tempting them in. So this Christmas be prepared and don’t let thieves steal your Christmas! Think about it: If you put presents[…]